Monday, November 21, 2011

What's the best movie have you watched recently? Share with me coz I'm definitely gonna download it (wooppss.. sorry for not supporting ori). The most recent movie I watched is Real Steel staring Hugh Jackman. Love this guy ever since X-Men where he acted as Wolverine! Grrrr!!!! Back to Real Steel, I believe everyone should watch it, at least once! I have seen it twice! And still looking for...
Got bitten by a mad dog! Freaking siao kao! Anjing gilerrrr!!! $/)/@::!!!!! .... Just calling her that coz I'm mad of her. It was actually Kenny's pet dog (a mixed schnauzer) who gave me that love bite. I was petting her head with her standing on her feet. Then out of a sudden she just bite my thigh and ran directly to her cage! I grabbed a rattan and hit her twice on her butt! Gave her hell of...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

One year older and a few more wrinkles to be counted. Each lines represents the stress and responsibility that comes with the age. Gotta admit it, and take it like a woman! .... not a girl, not yet a woman? Can't sing that song anymore... Sharing some photos I've taken recently. Nice to remember when I'm blogging about my 38th birthday in the next ten years! :) Happy 28th to myself... (sobbing...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Task!To send some of my clothing to the tailor for alteration! ... and to give away clothing that are beyond alteration. Imagine how to turn S to L size?!! To bring all my accessories for a wash to make it bling bling again! ... and to get new bling that pop my eyes out! WAAAA @. @ To send shoes to the cobbler! ... and to throw away unwanted shoes. "You've brought me to miles and miles of rough road.. but it's time to say goodbye".When will I have the time to do all these? Did you see those Western...
Reminder!The wish list I have posted previously is not a form of hint for my birthday present.I do not have any intention to hint anyone about my birthday gift. That wish list is a form of target for me to achieve certain things myself that brings me self satisfaction.Some people said just by thinking, it is not enough to push one self. By writing it out and declaring it, you will give yourself pressure to make it happen! If it doesn't, then malu-lahhhh.... So I will fulfill my own wish list, it...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Few months back when I was at Malacca with the gang, Alicia said "Ehh.. the car number plate starts with 'M', which state is it from?". All of us burst out laughing and told her "We're in Malacca!!!" and she laughed out of silliness. :P And so I was asking about Kelantan, Kedah, Negeri Sembilan.... and the list goes on.... Few weeks later I had an idea about having a Johor number plate as my...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's Nov and it means bonus is coming soon!!! Prolly in another month or two but it's still not too early thinking about what I want yeah?List from 5th to 1st priority...#5. WatchI love watches ever since I know how to read the time. I remember collecting so many watches last time. Either mum bought it for me from pasar pagi, pasar malam, supermarket etc.. and regardless of where it is from,...

Friday, November 11, 2011

While some are celebrating the most remarkable date in the century with birthdays, proposals, weddings, etc.. I was awaken by a bad dream! Okay back to 11.11.11, do you know that there are more than 1,000 people in Malaysia getting married today?!! I was wondering if wedding proposals today is going to be like.. so predictable. But it's a good day to remember though. No excuse for guys to say "I don't remember our anniversary lah!". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wanted to go to bed but can't help smiling when thinking that I may have a pet dog soon. Chances are slim but I think I've found my dream pet! A toy poodle! Thinking about names now... Should I name it my favorite food?!!Durian!Asam laksa!Heh mee!Guess not else I'll be drooling over my poodle! How about calling it upon things I love to have in life?Money!BMW!Seriously some dogs are named as above! Well since my poodle to-be is the cutest thing ever, I'm gonna name it...Gummy bear!Spongebob!Barney!Don't...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Was flipping thru my wardrobe yesterday and found a dress which I have never wore before.It is a simple and short casual dress bought by a classmate as Xmas pressie few years back.I tried on it yesterday and found that it is too short and too sexy for me, so decided to transform the dress into a blouse!I took another blouse to measure how much i need to cut. Drew a line with pen and ruler. Then SNIP...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Just had a late dinner. Shanmuga nasi lemak ayam. So full now that I would feel guilty to myself if I sleep now.After resting for 2 days, I got pretty lazy. And to work at this time during these roof leaking season, kinda make me scared of going to work.Siggghhh... what's life when we need to do something against our will just for living.Woopss.. should be grateful (remembering the tribes people in Vietnam). Consoling myself "at least I have beautiful clothes to wear, nice food to pick and choose,...
Finally arrived at Lao Cai railway station at 5.30am and it took another 1hour on the van to go up to Sapa mountain. Sapa is actually the home of the minority people called H'Mong and Zao. Aside from selling handmade products, they also cultivate rice and corns. Being on the mountain, Sapa weather is very cooling and nice. This could be an ideal relaxation place. We arrived at North Star Hotel...
One Day 2 we spent one of the most enjoyable day in Vietnam - Halong Bay. We took a 4 hours boat trip and were on a private cruise on a huge boat!!! One of the most amazing view is when all the boats are heading to the same direction - on a small strait in between mountains on both sides. At that point of time it reminded me of some Chinese war scene whereby all the battle ships are heading to the...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Finally found the mood to blog about my Vietnam trip **at last** Thanks to the holiday that I feel more relaxed to do some typing :) After 3hours and 30mins flight from LCCT, KL to Hanoi Airport, we were being picked up by the local tour agent. Our tour guide is kinda 'leng chai', but from the way he walk, speak and react, I think he's a gay! :P Self-explanatory photos below.. The Ba Ding Square,...
Went to Sunday Giza today and there is a fair going on.I was approached by salesgirls from Bizzy Body and Slimming Sanctuary.I was like "Harlow... I know lah I'm abit chubby... maybe plump... but do I really have to go for slimming courses!!!"Since they think I'm fat, I should have drop myself on their skinny asses and guling guling on them till they penyek like tosai!Ish ish ishhhh... Reminder to myself to kam fei again... ish ish ishhhhhh!!!!!!!!...
Woo-hoo!!! Went for a good lunch with Gavin today at Jaya One. Wanted to bring him to Mai Ramen but unfortunately it was closed, together with the whole row of shops. So went to Tak Fook Hong Kong Seafood instead. I have been a big fan of this restaurant and have tried the branches at Puchong and Taman Manjalara, which serves equally good food. Some dishes that mustn't be missed are the cheese crab and salted egg crab. The cheese crab is so yummylicious with fried mantou (to order separately)....