Saturday, October 29, 2011

This is hillarious and it is driving me nuts!!! ;) Wuuu.. so true! This I like!Same as the old saying..."U treat me good, I treat u good, u treat me bad, I treat u bad" "If I say what I think, I'm a bitch. If I cry some times, I'm a drama queen. If I have guy friends, I'm a slut. If I stand up for myself, I'm mouthy. Seems like you can't do...

Friday, October 28, 2011

The unexpected happened again.Let me put it in point form for better understanding..I have called my colleague (site supervisor) number for like hundred of times per day for the past one year. So eventually my fingers would be pressing his number automatically whenever I need to call him.. And so after a one week holiday, here I am back at work.Need to follow-up some cases and so the most natural thing to do, dial his number.Called few times no answer. Thinking "this guy must be sleeping at site!"Called...
Wah-lau!!! What can I say?!! This speaks my mind!...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

And there are also quotes to console myself when I'm depressed....These funny quotes really made my day! :)...
Scrolling thru some quotes in one of the FB pages and I laugh out loud reading these..No matter how emotional someone be, they can still be humorous and creative to come out with these!!!Hahahaaaa....

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I was challenging myself when I agreed to join my colleagues for paintball tournament this year. I'm a member in SSRC (Setia Sports & Recreational Club) and joined my team from Setia Eco Park. These bunch of players are REALLY GOOD and to prove it, they gotten champion last year against many other strong headed team! ....and this year they asked me to joim them??!!! So yeah I agreed to give...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Some quotes to share.. there are some that made really good sense while some plain funny!! lurve-it~~~I want to make a Facebook account and the name will be Nobody so when I see stupid crap people post, I can Like it. And it will say Nobody Likes This.Facebook is like jail, you sit around and waste time, write on walls, and get poked by people you don't know.The teacher asks Timmy "why is your cat at school today?" Timmy says, crying, "Because I heard my daddy say to my mommy, 'I'm going to eat...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dear you,Please enlighten me what have I ever done to you..Please tell me if I ever did you wrong..Please tell me if I ever ill-treated you..Please tell me if I am ever a bad person to you..If yes, please elaborate..If you can't find anything of the above about me, please take me as a human being who have feelings! And stop taking my silence as a sign of weakness and defeat coz I am just trying to tolerate! Don't step on my head coz one day I will ROAR!!!Sekian terima kasih!- Posted using BlogPress...
I hope I could be a better person.I wish I could be better to my loved ones. Not for those who hates me, despise me, condemn me, ignores me, or whoever bastards or bitches I call them. Coz who cares about them? They are nothin but ruining my lives! So fuck them!I will be better for my family, friends and loved ones. Coz only them matters to my life, how pathetic it may be.In grumbling mood thanks to beer.Happy Oktoberfest!- Posted using BlogPress from my iPho...
Note to myselfYesterday I was pretty bored and started to browse thru my blog post, particularly the 'Travel' section.I was so freaking glad that the Joyce few years ago was actually quite hardworking in putting in minor details of her holiday in Bangkok with Alicia, bernard & Teck Sheng. It was a very memorable holiday and one that should be remembered for a long time. I totally forgotten about the trip, the places that I have been to, and all the good food we have tried. And thanks to the...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Did not get to any Oktoberfest 2011 yet, but let me do Oktoberpost as I have not posted anything for this month! Keke... ** Beef noodles @ Lai Foong Kopitiam in Petaling Street ** Located at Jalan Tun H.S Lee, K.L and conveniently just beside Petaling Street, this place have been a favourite beef noodles destination for me and my dad! Dad has been a frequent patron ever since he was a young man,...