Saturday, July 5, 2014

Feeling satisfied with my BANANA O-BERRIES overnight oats,  I attempted another recipe as mum has just plucked a homegrown mango right infront of our house. MANGOLA VANILLA RECIPE 1/3 cup of rolled oats (not to mistaken it with instant or normal oats) 1/2 cup organic vanilla low fat milk 1 cup of greek yogurt 1 mango (1/2 chopped to be mixed with oats, 1/2 as topping) 1/4...
This is my first attempt of preparing an overnight oats. As I was unprepared and have not bought any milk, I used my protein shake as substitute. BANANA O-BERRIES RECIPE 1/3 cup of rolled oats (not to mistaken it with instant or normal oats) 1/2 cup protein shake berries flavour 1 cup of mixed berries yogurt 1 spoonful of crunchy peanut butter  (I've added another spoonful...
Sorry I've not been blogging that often lately. In fact, not at all since April 2014. The main reason of me getting back to my blog is to post about my recent craze on oatmeal. Mind you, not any ordinary oatmeal, but one that is healthy, delicious and attractive looking. Overnight oat it is!!! Individuals photos obtained online Now this is the recipe that I get to be a chef...