Thursday, August 23, 2012

HOU LUUUMMM AAAHHHHH Forever can never be long enough for me To feel like I've had long enough with you Forget the world now, we won't let them see But there's one thing left to do Now that the weight has lifted Love has surely shifted my way Marry me Today and every day Marry me If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe Say you will Say you will Together can never be close enough for me To feel like I am close enough to you You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you And...
Sometimes people came into your life, bringing certain meaning and significance, and they also helped to ease certain part of your life. And for once, you thought you could just lay back, and rely on that person for the rest of your life. But when they left, they bring all the meaning and comfort away. People come and go. But life goes on. I freak out on the way to office today. Thinking that...

Monday, August 13, 2012

I've finally got the nod from daddy and mak-ee! After waiting for so many years, they given me permission to get myself a pet dog!!! Afterall, they just wanted me to be happy.... Oh yes, they may change their mind again, like what they did numerous times before. But this time mum assured me via SMS saying that I have their blessing. So I trust her. Am keeping her SMS just in case! Just...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Just thinking... what are the 10 languages in which we can say I Love You... Bahasa Melayu.. "Aku Cinta Pada Mu" Mandarin.. "Wo Ai Ni" Cantonese.. "Ngo Ngoi Nei" Japanese.. "Ai Shi Te Ru" Korean.. "Saranghae" French.. "Je Taime" Italian.. "Ti Amo" Spanish.. "Te Amo" Thai.. "Phoum Rak Khun" (to be used by men) / "Chan Rak  Khun" (to be used by women) Filipino.. "Ma Hal Ki Ta" and last but not least, English.."I Love You"!!! (a few of the above was during a brainstorming...
I have been playing Tu Amor by RBD since I came back from work... Tu Amor means Your Love in Spanish.. But it is also an informal way to say I Love You. This song really reminds me of Alex.C.. was supposed to be his ringtone but he's using a private number and so the ringtone has never rang when he called... :( Lyrics available here "Tu Amor" Mi amor I'm not sure of the right words to say Maybe these simple words will do best to best explain What I feel in my heart What I feel more...
THE SOUR Mum was just telling me this morning that cousins Joanna, Melissa and EeWen were too excited watching the final match for men singles between Chong Wei and Lin Dan in the London Olympic 2012. They took Lin Dan photos from the newspaper and start poking him in the eye, mouth, and practically everywhere *OUCH!* .....they too cried when our dear Chong Wei lost the game. These children are...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Malaysia has never been close to getting any medal in Olympics, yes, NEVER. But when this skinny guy came along into the badminton arena, we knew he would bring us glory in the Olympics. Lee Chong Wei, who has been upgraded to Dato'ship status for bringing home the silver medal in 2008 Olympic Games in men single, has vowed to exchange his silver for a gold in the 2012 Olympics. I still prefer...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What happened to YOU recently? YOU have changed.. I used to be able to rely on YOU to give me comfort.. YOU were there for me day and night.. YOU protected me every time I needed YOU.. YOU used to be my best friend! Now YOU have changed.. YOU do not protect me anymore.. YOU even caused embarrassment in me infront of my family and friends.. YOU causes...