Thursday, July 21, 2011

(This is my space. Whatever i say in my space is my right of speech and freedom of expression. Thus, read at your own discretion only. This post may contain inappropriate words and expression)Stress causes gastric. It's true. Gastric from improper eating habit is uncertain to happen, but stress causes gastric, that is certain! (at least for me)I am not feeling well now. There seemed to be needles...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Had an amazing weekend! Well, Saturday isn't that great because I worked like a mad cow. But Sunday memang best lahh!!! (a better version of Myvi Lagi Best). Here's the bits of my Sunday... Approx 10.30am - arrival at Strawberry Park, Gohtong Jaya I was hoping that the strawberry park could be more lively. There are hardly red ripe strawberries and those that are red and ripe looked odd! This...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Previously when I broke my shade, I had this crazy thought of buying Tiffany&Co sunglass which cost more than RM1k.. Glad I didn't go with it.. My broken ESPRIT HORRAY!!! My new shade.............................. from GUESS! :P I have given up from Tiffany&Co because it is too costly. Went to Mines Shopping Mall instead, and visited Evolution Optical where Vince worked before....

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The thought of having dimsum in the morning really make me all bumped up today. Went to a Chinese restaurant that serves quite good dimsum and undeniably packed! We spotted a few tables that has almost finish dining and so we waited beside a table with a couple who is just finishing their drinks. The waiting took like 15minutes because they refused to leave and continue sitting with their empty plates and tea cups. I, being very irritated at that point of time, standing near to the table on purpose,...