Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It is true what people say.  "You never know what you have, until you lose it.  And once you lose it, you'll never get it back". I'm glad that we are still friends.  And that he still loves me, well, in a way. After 7 years, I'm still getting bracelet from him.  Most of the time, he would choose ones that disperse negativity,  promotes good luck and improve...
Have you ever been ignored for a long time by someone u considered a good friend? Ignoring as in have not been bugging you as often as they used to, messaging you irrelevant stuff just their way of saying "HI", dating you out for a meal etc? And this happened out of a sudden. Without warning or hint that something is wrong. How does it makes you feel? I can answer that. It SUCKS. Coz...

Monday, January 13, 2014

I figured that my blog needs a whole new look! Revamping in progress! (I'm actually in deep shit. Adapted a new template but the rest of the function went cuckoo. How to change title of my navigation bar? Why do I need a 'Business' and a 'Parent Category' for?!! Where is the rest of my widgets? What the *toot* is a CSS snippets?!! OMG I'm freaking out... Helppzzz!!! ) ...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Facebook, as a social platform for everyone to share almost everything - from a photo of a roti canai made glamorous using Instagram, to uncommentable status such as "haha I'm so drunk" (wow I'm impressed... drunk still can use FB), to hundred photos of the same rainbow on a particular day, still, Facebook do has its own drawbacks. In Facebook, we can practically say anything or everything we want! Without having to be responsible for any of it! Yay to freedom of speech!!! But... One disadvantages...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013 has been quite a year for me.  Starting off pretty harsh taking into consideration of the sad trail of end 2012. Nevertheless, it was the pain, the sadness, the harsh truth of life, that put me up into the very best of 2013. It was the most productive year of my life - yes it is!  Early 2013.. I was looking for a distraction. And I thought it was merely to distract...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Following to the dinner at Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf,  we made another first-time visit to Coffee Mania  which is just a stone throw away from Bangsar Village. Coffee Mania brave entry to Bangsar which is now dominated by Coffea Coffee is definitely an admirable move and I ought to try it out! It was a very quick change of mind when I was left unconvincing  upon...
If childhood memories didn't fail you, you may have remembered being told of a tale  starting with "Once upon a time, there were 3 little pigs... and a biigg... baadd.. wolf!" As the tale goes on, the pig managed to build a brickhouse and being forever safe from the hungry wolf. The tale in this eatery somehow, ended quite sadly for the pigs. Well, one will know how it ended...
The best month of the year is always N.O.V.E.M.B.E.R. Why? It's my birthday month! So what? I get to celebrate! Then? There's plenty of birthday treats.... food for me.. for freeeeee!!! Yippiieeeee!!! The G3 Kitchen & Bar is the very first stop of my birthday treats/ Brought by Vince, I was told that they serve pretty good breakfast. So here goes... A...