Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Weight : Extremely slow in losing weight but I'm almost there. Target : 42kg. Mum said I'm crazy. Others said I've got nothing more to lose. Me : What you mean?! Tummy, arms buttocks, thighs, oh ya, where's my knees!!! Mood : Busy. Lazy. Jolly. Talk about flexibility. Work - Sport - Rest - Work - Sport - Rest - and the cycle never ends. Missing Barry. Have not seen him for days. Missing...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thanks God I've made it through Thursday. It has been a boring week! The single men and single ladies who have kept me company / needed my company,  seemed to be busy with their own agenda recently. Makes me wanna ask my friends who have stayed single for awhile now  "How did you manage to stay single all these years?!!!" 8 months have been the longest that...