Monday, February 28, 2011

I have just scrolled through Oscar 2011 Red Carpet photos and found some interesting bits. For one, Christian Bale who I always adore for his good look and acting in Batman.. had just screwed up his totally cool image in my head. This is a bomb to me cause I can't recognize him at all! Christian Bale in Oscar 2011 Secondly, look at the below photo and tell me who he is. Christian Bale &...
One thought to pen down before I go to bed.In a working environment, everyone is considered an adult who are responsible for ones action and consequences. As such, we should treat each other as an adult, capable of doing own task. Well, that is just my way of viewing the work force. Unfortunately, some may think that shouting, scolding, and being rude to others is the only way to get things done.Many many many blardey times I have said, I can tolerate anything, BUT I CANNOT TOLERATE RUDENESS!!!I...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Silent TreatmentDefinition : an aloof refusal to speak to someone you know ; Maintenance of aloof silence toward another as an expression of one's anger or disapprovalMy question : Would you prefer to resolve an argument by talking and argue your way through it OR giving silent treatment and hoping that things will be back to the way it was after a few days of ignoring each other?Do you remember how your parents used to scold you when you did a mistake? They would shoot you repeatedly like...
Today is the 5th day of Chinese New Year. Could not believe that a whole year passed me just like that..Seemed like I have got alot of things to blog about today.. well, where to start?1) I just came back from Penang. This is the very first time that I drove to Penang (back and forth)!!! Dad was snoring all the way - no fuss from him at all! Clap clap clap!!!2) I enjoy spending time in my room now - almost everything is new! It was alot of fun hunting for furniture and accessories with Bernard...