Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I made a trip down to see a doctor for medical check-up as requested by my future employer. They have actually assigned this doctor to perform a full medical check up on me. This includes X-ray, ECG, urine and blood test.For one, the ECG is just so uncomfortable as I would have to strip in front of a nurse and lay down straight, exposing my assets facing up!!! Then she put some sort of sticky gel around my bre*ast, and the gel helps to stick those equipment that looked like a ping pong ball with...

Monday, July 26, 2010

I suddenly have the mood to wash my car today. Started off by wiping inside.. then move on to the outside..But when I walked to the front bonnet.. WAT DA HELL!!!There's a deep scratch on it!!! Written "24" and "fuck" below it!!!WAT DA FUCK!!! I immediately call Barry as my car was parked at his place yesterday night. And he told me that his brother BMW was scratched too!!!DAMN!!! I hope those people who fucking scratch our car for no fucking reason will fucking die and rot in hell!!! All these...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yesterday night I have trouble sleeping.My mind was spinning, and the constant spin kind of inspire me to jot something here.While I was doing the last thought before I shut down my brain, I was trying to figure out the biggest question in my life so far "Why do I have to please everyone I know?".Well see, I'm a people pleaser. I have always, and still am, trying to make people like me in any way possible. It might sound pathetic, but I believe for one reason, this is crucial to make sure we co-exist...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

June 9th 2010, 5.24pm is the most historical day in my life so far!!! For the past 2 weeks while I was jobless, I tuned into 104.9FM and heard of this contest called "RM20k Facebook Frenzy". Since i'm a loyal fan of Red FM all these while, I thought "why not!!!". It's very easy to join. I just need to "Like" the Red FM (Malaysia) group in Facebook, tag their "I ♥ redfm" logo above and make...

Friday, July 9, 2010

♫ Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. ♫ Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show off to the whole world when you are in sweats, who hold your hands in front of his friends, who thinks you are pretty even without make up on. ♫ One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you. ♫...
♥♥L.O.V.E ♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥Fall in LOVE or fall in HATE♥Get inspired or be depressed♥Ace a test or flunk a class♥Make babies or make art♥Speak the truth or lie and cheat♥Dance on table or sit in the corner♥Life is divine chaos♥Embrace it♥Breathe and enjoy the ride♥So live to eat not eat to live!♥♥L.O.V.E ♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E♥♥L.O.V.E...
Friends have a way of speaking without words..To have a good friend is one of the greatest delights of life..A hug is the shortest distance between friends..Who finds a friend, finds treasure..To have joy, one must share..To the world, you may be just one person.. But to one person, you may be the world..Families are like fudge.. mostly sweet with a few nuts!A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How childish is a person to remove another person as friend in Facebook because they just don't like that another person anymore?And how funny is it that these people here, added up to have almost 5 children already?!! Frickin'childish I would say!!!...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today, I surprised myself with how much anger I have in me. How can my little petite figure contain so much fire inside? At that point of time, I was hoping that the fire would burn me inside out, and then burn the people around me too. Watdaheck was I thinkin!!!All I want to do now is to shout my lungs out, cry my heart out, and beat the hell out of that person! Gawddd... Feeling so hurtful and my heart is actually feeling the pinch.. the pain comes together with a set of questions like "What...
I find that the last few days to be very unbearable.Looking for a job is not very tough actually, but looking for a job that you want, that offers you salary that you find satisfactory, with a location that is strategic enough to travel to.. IS FREAKING HARD! ...and it gets HARDER when you don't really know what you want. Am very afraid that I would land on a job that I might not really like, and the rush is due to the feeling of inadequacy and "useless" when not being financially independent....