Sunday, June 29, 2008

Am so sick with overloaded assignments. Rushing for one assignments after another. The weeks I had just to prepare for TLC pitching is already "No time to eat, no time no sleep, no time to bath, sometimes no time to pee". If I were to lead this type of lifestyle for another year, I'll end up with kidney problem, stomach ulcer, eating disorder, and look like an underweight panda! More and more...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I am tired, but happy. Pitching for TLC (a non profit org that gives 100% divident of product sales to charity home) is finally over. I did my best for the pitch, hope my best is good enough for the rest of the teammates. Our BIG IDEA might not be that appealing (as what Ms. Serene comment), but we do have creativity in some sense. I'm just glad that Ms. Serene grouped us the way she did. All of...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Few weeks ago my sister persuaded me to attend this year's Amway Convention. As usual, a No No for me. Except last year, or last 2 years (I forgotten), I attended Amway Convention because they invited Lee Hom as their special guest. Wooo.. I wouldn's miss that!!! I remembered the show was great! He sang for like 30 minutes only, but I really enjoyed it. That's the only highlight for me for the entire...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Had a great, crazy and tiring night last week. And it's definitely a memorable one! I went out with classmates for dinner at Talipon (steamboat & BBQ buffet), then for pool and fusball game, then back to my house for some beer and to play 'Dare or Dare' game. Dare and Dare game give you no options but to just perform the 'Dare' when you get the chosen poker card - Joker and number 4. Each action...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! Was supposed to join Father's Day dinner with family today. But I haven't finish up my assignments and report.. *sob sob* They must be having a great time now.. with sharks fin soup, roast chicken, yam basket etc etc etc.. yummm yummmmm~ Pity me~ While others are having a nice meal, I'm here at CyberCafe to online for assignment sake (I blog awhile...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I've poured my heart out. My agony, my pain, my pride - it's written in Xanga. It's a difficult week, knowing that what I strive hard for, which I have achieved, is ruined in that unexpected 3 months. It's just the worst 3 months of my life and I don't want to hear anything about it anymore. It just sucks. Plain bad luck!Well, another sem started. It's good seeing all the classmates. Excited to see if any of them changed, and observed that many has got better skin complexion. Perhaps the air-conditioned...