Thursday, May 29, 2008

A brief summary of my trip to Penang with dad, mum & Vince.. accompanied by pictures for better description... *wink* White curry laksa @ Kwan Nam Restaurant, Butterworth Seberang Perai (recommended by Ho Chiak!). After mixing the sambal, it will be the ordinary looking laksa. Doesn't taste extraordinary though. It's popular just because of the santan base soup before it mixes with the...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Recently I've heard that honey + cinnamon powder is a fast remedy for weight loss! I then google up and read a forum that some of them who tried, gained weight instead of losing it! I've bought honey and cinnamon powder yesterday, tried a cup, taste OK. Don't know if I should continue. I'm not overweight or anything. In fact, I just qualified myself for the weight required for donating blood! Just that many...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let me see.. what's worth blogging here? First - Fei car broke down on Thursday. Luckily we almost reached his site, and we made the car go all the way to his site (with asap coming out all da way). Since his car couldn't go any further, me and Vince walked to MidValley from his site - takes around 15 minutes. MV looked far, but when walking, its not bad actually. Considered a good morning walk,...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It is a so-so day today, but still feeling the thrill of thinking that 2 days more I can sleep as long as I want! Zzzz... Aahhh... life is GREAT! Just had lunch with Vince, Fei and Suzanne at All Star. For our 'kecik kecik miau' salary, the menu definitely gave us a shock, especially the price column. We kind of expected it, but still, doesn't mean we won't feel shock when the figure is right...

Monday, May 12, 2008

This is my first blog in Blogspot (duh.. obviously). And unfortunately, this is just my trial blog. Wanted to see how much attention I can get from it, before deciding if I want to continue with it. I can say that I was pretty satisfied with my Xanga blog. Having no reader at all, it act like a personal diary that I could speak my mind. For Blogspot of course, there are things that need filtering...