Sunday, December 28, 2008

This year's Christmas was fun! We did not repeat the same mistake we did last year - Going out to some *happening* place and find ourselves middle of somewhere like Sungei Wang that is packed with people, ended up doing nothing but sweating profusely and waiting like an idiot just to see fireworks, and when it's time to see fireworks, we could not open our eyes at all because everyone around us...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Easy and relax life is almost at its end. A life full with commitment and responsibility starts soon. These 3 years have been real fun. It's a huge step to take resigning from the working world, and to enter a world that I feel I don't belong. But in the end, it appears to be a wise step. I have no regrets at all. Getting to know friends that we can really hang out with, talk rubbish for hours at the mamak stall and still doesn't seemed like we had enough, I believe that the time spent here at...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

As the clock strikes 2.10am, here I am in the midst of struggling to complete my web blog assignment. Being such a big fan of FOOD, I decided to create a web blog based on the theme ‘Cari-cari makan with Joyce’. The inspiration for choosing this theme definitely comes from KY! Well, I don’t know him personally, but the way he blogs about food always makes me drool! Since I’m referring a lot to...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This blog post is specially dedicated to family members and friends who made my 2008 birthday celebration a GREAT one!THANK YOU dear friends for all the SMS wishes and birthday calls.. which I’m still getting till yesterday!*Kai kor, although you are late, but you remembered my birthday even after 2 weeks!!! So THANK YOU!!!*All the birthday wishes I received is really sweet and meaningful, I really...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I spent the last Saturday at Putrajaya with a couple of very impulsive friends! Bernard was actually suggesting that since I have such a nice camera to use, why not take pictures of really nice architecture in Putrajaya. Bernard talked about his admiration for the beautiful buildings at Putrajaya, especially at night when all the buildings and bridges are beautifully lit up. According to him, a...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Have been very grumpy these few days...Sometimes it's my own problem that gets me down.. And sometimes is just stupid problem that people is giving me.And the worst is that I feel very angry of myself for being such as stupid person. Whenever I think about "him", I hit myself on the head and say out loud "I'm a stupid FOOL!!!". Whenever I see places or things that reminds me of him, I go hitting my head and shout again!!! And I've been such a fool ever since.. for 5 long years to be with him!!!...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Horray! Blogspot I’m back!!! So many exciting event took place for the past few days! And one of it is my birthday celebration!!! I had a wonderful birthday!!! I had a blast!!! … and it lasted for almost a week!!! Day 1 -Birthday girl belanja whole family out for dinner at the usual restaurant – occupied 2 tables! -Then proceed to KEC, an executive club where dad usually patrons. Few members...